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Windows users often encounter problems with the registry. It's not a big problem if Windows still be able to run normally. The problem is, the registry is an essential part of Windows. Sudden damage to the registry or edit the registry errors can cause Windows can not operate properly or even unusable. So we are forced to reinstall Windows.
If at any time we get a registry error message, do not rush to reinstall Windows. Try booting with a bootable CD.
After that:
1. Go to the Windows directory by typing "cd windows". Next, remove the system and hidden attributes on file registry named SYSTEM.DAT and user.dat, by typing the following command:
C: \ WINDOWS> attrib-s-h SYSTEM.DAT
C: \ WINDOWS> attrib-s-h user.dat
2. Then change the names of the registry files as backed up earlier with the command:
C: \ WINDOWS> ren SYSTEM.DAT system.bup
C: \ WINDOWS> user.dat user.bup
3. With the following commands, copy the backup file that was created by Windows to use as your registry file:
C: \ WINDOWS> copy system.da0 SYSTEM.DAT
C: \ WINDOWS> copy user.da0 user.dat
4. Furthermore, given the system and hidden attributes on the second registry file we just created with the command:
C: \ WINDOWS> attrib s h SYSTEM.DAT
C: \ WINDOWS> attrib s h user.dat
5. Now, restart your computer. If our previously backed registry files are still in good condition and we do not make mistakes in the above process, Windows should be able to operate normally again. If it still does not work, maybe reinstall Windows is one of the best ways